Much of the irrelevancy in the church is a result of misquided gifts that dictate a class of behavior that represents Christianity;the re education of the church is vital, We must break the religious spirit of control over what God intended His Church to be.
Eph.2:11 ( gentiles are lost sinners in this world without Christ) "remember in times past you WERE gentiles in the flesh(sin) & were called un circumcision ;by that refering to circumcision in thee flesh made by hands.v.12 at that time you were without Christ-strangers from the covennats of promise - having no hope without God in the world.v.13 now in Christ Jesus we were far off are now made nigh by the Blood of Christ.
a True JEW is one inwardly & not outwardly Rom.2:28,29 circumcision is of the heart & not of the flesh(meaning , Once in Christ (A true Jew(born again) we crucify our flesh of all its lusts & desires Col.3 & Rom.6&8 dying to all sins , becoming Dead to this World(sin) and alive unto God in Christ by His shed Blood; and we abide in Christ 1John3:6-8 & Christ in us Col.1:27,sealed by His Spirit unto the day of our redemption Eph.1:13 John3:3 you must be born again ( your spirit in Christ)or you will not see the Kingdom of heaven. John1:12,13 Jesus teaches us about being born again, He clearly says not by the Will of your flesh or Blood nor the will of man ( so no self righteous religious act can save you, such as baptism,it cannot cleanse your soul from sins , only the Blood of Christ cleanses our souls Heb.9:11-15 & Rom.3:25 & 1John2:2(atonement is in the blood Lev.17:11 )not in water.
a simple question, how do you get forgiven & set free of aLL sins ,without having a sacrifice for your sins?(1Cor.5:7 the shed Blood of Christ?our once & for all sacrifice.,***** don't answer , well David asked for forgiveness & was forgiven without any blood sacrifice.
Heb.9:16 a testament is of force after men are dead , otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives v.18 /..Heb.9:16-18 the word testament (Gr.diathe-ke-)refers to a will (in accordance w. the Greek usage of the N.T. era) even tho the Greek Word is commonly used in Hebrews & throughout the New Test. for a covenant.
A will requires the death of its maker before it can be in force.Christ's sinless life could not establish the New Testament /His death involving His shed Blood was necessary. 9:22 on the basis of the preceeding verses is conclusion of 2 things
#1 the law requires almost everything be purged with Blood
#2 There is no remission ,forgiveness,w/out the shedding of Blood.
ahhhhhh yes circumcision..............
Phil.3:3 we are helpless to save ourselves ,We are the circumcision which worship God in Spirit & rejoice in Christ Jesus & have NO confidance in the flesh ; We are the True People of God,we rejoice in Christ, we Boast & take Pride in Him & not in ourselves- We have no confidance in earthly priveleges,or human attainments or religious accomplishments-We the true children of God refuse to depend on things for salvation - we only rely on Christ for favor with God
1John2:2 Propitiation is an atoning sacrifice.Jesus Bore in His Body the punishment due us for our sins & in so doing He propitiated God,satisfied God's just demand that sin be punished. Thus Jesus;both the advocate for sinners (*1John2:1)and the sacrifice for their sins
2John2:9,10 whosoever transgresses & abides not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God,they that abide both in Christ & the doctrine of Christ ,they have BOTH the Father & The Son. Christ is the doctrine of Faith
1John5:12 they that have the Son has life,they who do NOT have the Son of God has no life (1John5:10,11)
1Peter2:5 we are living stones,we are built up a spiritual house,a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.see v.9 every born again bible believing christian has the privelege & responsibility of direct access to God, in the Old test. Priests were only from the line of Aaron who were appointed by God , in The New Test. that priesthood becomes the birthright of every single born again Bible Believing Christian abiding in Christ, sealed by His Spirit cleansed in His soul cleansing Blood
No need for priests today. It is about God not about men & nothing men can ever do to sway God.
Eph.4:11 God gave Apostles,prophets,evangelists,pastors & teachers ( no priests) and Christ is our High Priest....
Heb.7 you can read the priestly order of Melchizedek , KIng of Salem,priest of the Most High God.
Heb.7:11 Aaronic priesthood inferior to Christ's priesthoodv.15 yet after the similitude of Melchizedek there arises another priest , Who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life *****for He testifies,Thou arta priest forever after the order of Melchizedek v.20 as not w/ out an oath He (Christ) was made priest.;v.21 for those priests were made without an oath.
v.22 By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament v.23 *****and there surely were many priests ,because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death;but Jesus ,because He continues ever,has an unchangeable priesthood............v.25 Wherefore He is able to save them that come unto God by Him v.26 for such a High Priest became us. Who is Holy,harmless,undefiled,seperate from sinners,and made higher then the heavens v.27 who needs not daily , as those priests ,to offer up sacrfice,1st for his own sins,and then for the people's sins,for this Jesus did ONCE.when He offered up Himself
The law makes men priests which have infirmity; but hte Word of the Oath, which was since the law, makes the Son ( Jesus Christ) who is consecrated forever more.
Heb.8 is all about Christ our High Priest. v.6 the new covenant Heb.9 The Old and new Covenants contrasted.
Heb.9:15 the sacrifice of Christ establishes the New Covenant.
Heb.10 explains the FAILURE of the Old covenant
read on v.19 onward a plea to hold to the New Faith
I could type this all out for you, but it is better to aquaint yourself w. God & His Word..... and in your reading I pray you SEE & get understanding.
Pray & ask God in Jesus' Mighty Name to give you wisdom,knowledge & Understanding , ask Him to open the eyes & ears of your spirit , that you may see , & receive His Free Gift of salvation in Christ , the keys to Everlasting life. John3:3 & John14:6 & John3:16 / Rom.10:9,10 .............1John1:9,10
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